My Gold Award

Why Graphic Design

November 03, 20241 min read

What Sparked My Interest in Graphic Design?

Project Plans

As a Girl Scout in high school from 2016 to 2020, I completed my Gold Award, which is equivalent to the Eagle Scout award for Boy Scouts and is the highest service award you can receive in the Girl Scouts. For my project, I created a sensory hallway in one of the hallways of the elementary school I attended. This hallway was designed to help children be in touch with their emotions and bodies, providing them with an opportunity to refocus during the school day. A local graphics company generously donated an entire sticker path for the project.

With guidance from the school's occupational therapist, I designed this sticker path. My design process included drawing detailed, to-scale plans on graph paper, specifying colors and instructions. When the floor stickers were printed and installed, seeing the project come to life was incredibly rewarding. This spurred my interest in art even further, and I began exploring the new, digital world of art and drawing.

Finalized Creation
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